Dimtu Washing Station
This bright and complex natural heirloom coffee is grown by several smallholders at 2,100 to 2,300 masl and processed at Dimtu Coffee Washing Station managed by Nardos Coffee. These impressively high altitudes create the ideal conditions for cultivating sweet, dense cherry and processing spectacular coffees.
It is one of the most technologically advanced and modern dry mills in Yirgacheffe. The station has Pinhalense machinery, 150 drying beds, a shaded experiment area, living quarters for temporary laborers and a modern farmhouse for management and visitors.
In three generations, the Biniyam’s family has pulled off this major undertaking; leaving an indelible mark on the history of Ethiopian coffee. For them there are no shortcuts to improve the quality of the coffee. At every step of the chain—from production, processing, roasting, and brewing—small efforts are crucial and make all the difference.