Amsterdam Coffee festival 2023

Amsterdam Coffee festival 2023

One of the reasons why we love what we do and the industry we work in is undoubtedly being able to participate in important festivals, where we can interact with many people from different backgrounds and meet others personally. A whole experience is lived in them!

The Amsterdam Coffee Festival took place from March 30 to April 1 and was our first performance in an event of such recognition. Because we loved it so much, we couldn’t stop sharing our experience at The Roasters Village, an area only designated for roasters only.

We had the pleasure of meeting people who love, enjoy and admire the work and passion that exists in the world of coffee. All the participants had the purpose of tasting, learning and appreciating the different origins, varieties and processes that many renowned roasters offered, including us.

We made a brilliant selection of filter and espresso coffees, which captivated many with both their flavour and their history, and that made us immensely happy. It was a great opportunity to vibrate to the rhythm of the industry and connect with many experts.

With this beginning we hope to be able to participate in many more festivals, because it is an honor for us to teach people that from growing to brewing, coffee is a form of art.

Check out all moments captured from the festival!