Sustainable Vision

coffee cherries

Sustainably Vision

Our approach is to ensure that both producers are incentivised to improve the quality of their green beans every day, as well as being able to share those truly special coffees with our consumers.

In order to consciously meet the demands of the market today, as consumers not only want to have a cup of coffee but also to know the story behind each one, we have taken it upon ourselves to carefully evaluate each process within the value chain.

Sustainability for us is a fundamental issue, not only because we care that producers have good environmental practices within their crops, but also because of the balance that must exist between economic growth and the social well-being of their surrounding communities.

We are aware that direct purchase at a fair price is the basis for making the sector sustainable, since it allows producers to have financial independence to maintain their lifestyle, generate new investment and ensure the viability of their farms in the long term. always generating a positive impact in the same place of production.

In addition, buying without many intermediaries allows us to create long-term relationships based on trust and familiarity, since we can get to know their environment closely, but also assure them who is on the other side.